I like the idea of gardening. I love the idea of having a veggie patch and growing my own fruit and veg. Unfortunately, living in the inner city, we don't have enough dirt for a veggie patch. That's probably a good thing as I'm a terrible gardener.
I still persist though. Mostly I grow things in pots – I tend to get all excited when the weather warms up and go to the garden centre and purchase potting mix, plants, and other associated planting items. All goes well for a few weeks, then I start forgetting to water them. And it starts to get really hot. A few hardy plants survive my neglect, but mostly they shrivel and die.
It appears that I haven't learnt my lesson yet as I recently went out and bought some more herbs. But before I did that, I had to get myself into a gardening mood, and what better way than to go for brunch at Café Plum?

I ordered the mushroom bruschetta – roasted mushrooms mixed with fresh herbs and feta with a drizzle of balsamic syrup on sour dough toast ($9.50). I loved contrast of the salty feta against the sweet tanginess of the balsamic.

Alastair had something from the specials board - blueberry pancakes with vanilla mascarpone and maple syrup ($15.50). I had a taste – it was very sweet. I'm so not a sweet breakfast person. Al ate it all up though. It must've been good.
My Bro was there too, but I neglected to take a note or photo of his meal – I believe he had corn fritters which (gasp) he couldn't finish because he was too full. Terrible effort on his part.
The breakfast definitely helped get me into the gardening spirit – 2 weekends later my herbs are still alive! Gosh, it's amazing what regular watering does.
Read about our other visits to Cafe Plum here and here.
Cafe Plum
193 Flemington Rd, North Melbourne 3051
Ph: (03) 9329 8867